Turtle Time
11:30 Pre-school Storytime & pom pom turtles
Event Details
Turtle Time
11:30 Pre-school Storytime & pom pom turtles
12:00 snacks
12:30 Crafty Kids: Perler bead ocean animals
Kid’s Day is designed to cover a wide range of ages so the entire family can attend. Preschool activities start at 11:30 and involve a story and simple crafts that are safe for ages 3-5. Snacks are available for all ages at noon. ( Snacks vary but may include cheese sticks, nuts, sun chips or whole grain crackers, uncrustable PB & J, granola or cereal bars or a fruit or vegetable treat. Please read the packaging carefully if your child has food allergies.) We will watch an ocean video during snack time with special permission from Learn Bright. Crafty Kids crafts are for school-age kids who can follow directions, use cutting tools and other craft tools safely. Our Safe Child Policy requires children under 8 have an adult present.